What is sapphire blade?
Tissues should not be harmed and blood circulation should not be deteriorated while these canals are opened. For this purpose, “blades with sapphire tips” are used to open the canals at Estegenesis Hair Transplant Center.
Advantages of Sapphire blades:
Sapphire, which is a very solid crystal, does not lose its sharpness; therefore, no tissue loss develops when canals are opened.
It is antimicrobial.
Sapphire blades increase the survival of grafts after the transplant procedure.
In this method, hair follicles are extracted using micromotor with FUE technique and special sapphire tips are used instead of metal slit to open canals. Thanks to these tips, smaller micro canals can be opened and thus, recovery period is shortened.​
Stages of Sapphire FUE:
Hair transplant plan
Determination of recipient areas
Local anesthesia and harvesting
Preparation of the recipient area and opening the canals
Placement of grafts
Grafts which are harvested from donor area are carefully placed into canals that are opened with sapphire blades one by one.
Step Step FUE Method
Step 1: Surgery Plan
At Estegenesis Hair Transplant Center, recipient area is first evaluated by a doctor. Hair transplant procedure is planned, also considering patient’s requests. In the first encounter, the severity of hair loss, recipient areas and the number of graft are determined
Step 2: Extraction of Hair Follicles
Second step of the procedure is harvesting optimal number of hair follicles from the donor site. The most important step that differs FUE method from conventional techniques is the “Extraction” phase. In FUE method, Hair follicles are extracted one by one and linear incisions are not made as in conventional methods. Only tiny incisions are made in FUE. These incisions heal within very short period of time.
Extraction is not done randomly; hair follicles in the donor site are collected at equal distance to each other. Thus, no asymmetry is faced when hair grow.
Donor area: It is the area where hair follicles are harvested for transplantation. As donor site, the area that is located between two ears at the back of the head is preferred. Hair in this area is genetically coded not to shed.
Step 3: Preparing the recipient area
In hair transplant, each step is highly important to gain dense hair and natural look. One of them is to open canals at the recipient zone. Tissues should not be harmed and blood circulation should not be deteriorated while these canals are opened. For this purpose, “blades with sapphire tips” are used at our center.
Blades with sapphire tips (Sapphire blades) have important advantages compared to steel tools.
Sapphire, which is a very solid crystal, does not lose its sharpness; therefore, no tissue loss develops when canals are opened.
Blood circulation is not affected.
They are anti-microbial.
Step 4: Placement of Grafts
Grafts are placed to previously determined recipient site one by one. Directions (their angle to the scalp) should be precisely determined, while grafts harvested from the donor area are placed. These two strategic placements are directly related with natural looking hair transplant outcomes.